Monday, December 13, 2010

Week 3

Well, they have gotten to work, haven't they? They all seem to be working well together as well. Learning from each other, and helping each other throughout.

I am a little bit concerned with Rapp's "relationship" with Greta. It's very easy to do what you have to do out there in the field unattatched, but all of a sudden when you have someone you care about, sometimes you give a second thought to what you are doing and why you are doing it. If something really sparks between Greta and Rapp that could put the whole operation in jeapordy. However, at the same time, I am happy for Rapp, because, just as the book said, he hasn't felt this happy in years, and that of course is a good thing.

Their little stint with the banker has sure put everyone on high alert. I love how nobody knows who did it and why. This means the boys did their job to perfection. It is amazing to see how many people "work together" but yet are in fear for their lives. I'll be interested to see where this goes.

I am having trouble following the ultimate goal of their mission. I know that they have now killed two people that have been giving money to the terrorists... but help me out Aunt Joyce, what is the final operative. Are they there to save that one American, or is that a completely seperate thing?!?! I tend to struggle understanding what's going on through the chapters with the terrorists. And then when we get back to the chapters with Rapp and the Americans I get back in the loop.

Alrighty Aunt Joyce, one more week. I think I have a book in mind, so I will post it later on this week.


Happy Reading

1 comment:

  1. The assassinations so far are all tied together. The banker finances the terrorists, the guy on the bench supplied the terrorists with weapons, and the terrorists make money off all of it. Even Ivanov deals with the terrorists and makes money. That's the bottom line so far - the money. Langley is concerned that they are losing their operatives and that the secrets they know can do more damage to our national security so it's definitely prudent for them to try to stop the damage of the captured men. Rapp and Hurley seem to be the best operatives they have now and they are our country's only hope to keep us safe.

    So as far as Greta goes, it is a nice diversion for Rapp. Maybe keeps his life in balance. Can't be all work all the time and she knows that his life isn't normal. Somehow, I don't think Rapp can be distracted from his work. He's too good for that. At least, that is my hope.

    Hurley definitely knows people along with Stansfield that can help in whatever country they are in with identities, etc.

    And as we know, the terrorists ultimate goal fiction and real is to hurt the Western world so to capture and torture Westerners to get information that will help their cause.

    I just hope that they can save our captured men as our country can't negotiate with terrorists so it is up to people like Hurley and Rapp to do the job.

    So on to finish the book now. HOpe this helps a bit. See you soon.
    Love A. Joyce
