Sunday, August 21, 2011

The end...

I liked the end of this book!  Sebastian finally got what was coming to him.  However, I almost wish he would have lived just so that he could suffer through the consequences of what he had done and what he finally couldn't get away with. 

Ill be honest too, I had my suspicions with Waters.  I wasn't sure 100% sure if he really was on Maureen's side or not.  But in the end he did finally help her out.  I know Waters was probably doing everything by the book, but Maureen couldn't just sit and wait for things to happen to her, I really liked that she became very pro active about her situation.

Throughout all of this she really showed her strong side and her independence, and she found out what she wanted to do with her life and who she wanted to be.  How weird it is that she started out this book and this whole saga with her having a little too much coke and too much to drink, and it ended with her joining the force.  Her character really made a 180.  She always seemed to me to have a good heart just the wrong circumstances.  And in her final circumstance (which was not a good one) she made it on her own (slightly).  Her supporting characters did help her, but she was for the most part doing things her way.

I feel really bad for those that lost their lives during this book, but Maureen made it so that others would not.  I really enjoyed this book.  What did you guys think.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Through Chapter 21

Well obviously a lot has happened ... since we are 3/4 of the way done with this book.

The book is really good.  I disagree with mom, I liked Maureen from the get go.  She was just doing what she had to do to live (not talking about the drug use right now...).  It sounds like she didn't have a really strong home life, and didn't get a lot of support (moneywise) for her education.  So she was trying to make ends meet with her job, and it paid pretty decent, but she wasn't able to function in class and work... so slowly but surely she dropped a class at a time, until she wasn't taking any....  she always seems to have high aspirations about starting a new and a fresh...  but things just keep happening.

Poor girl just picked the wrong night to find her coke....  Just imagine if she hadn't been called in to work that night (because remember she wasn't supposed to work that night) if she hadn't done the coke, if she hadn't drank so much she wouldn't have been in the predicament that she now finds herself in.

Sebastian is a bad dude, and we learn FINALLY through chapter 21 he has ALWAYS been a bad dude.  I am inspired by Maureen and her will power.  She is not submissive, and she will not take back down.  I can not believe that throughout all these years and all the bad stuff that Sebastian has done that we know about, and you know there is bad stuff that we do not know about.  And of course now that he is running for office it still hasn't come out... but you know it will, and I can't wait for that to happen... Too bad at least 4 people had to die though, and I wonder if there is more to come.

I am not really sure where exactly Molly and John fit into all of this except for just being their for Maureen.  But I have a bad feeling that they are going to get more involved then they would like.... 

So tell me your input.

PS  We will finish the book for discussion on Sunday

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sorry guys

So it's been awhile since I have posted.... why don't you guys tell me how far along you are in the current book.

I am around page 200, a little over half way.  we will discuss this Sunday...  I just want to figure out where you guys are at, to tell you where to stop for Sunday's discussion.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Week 2

Okay you guys post... i'll be ready to post about the whole book on Sunday.... CSET and baby have kept me busy...

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Charlie St. Cloud

Okay... after taking a two week hiatus, let us start again. I figure this book we can pull out in three weeks, it is much shorter than the others that we have read.

Week 1: Read all the way through Chapter 10
Week 2: Chapter 11 - Chapter 23
Week 3: Finish the book

Monday, June 13, 2011

Week 4

Well, guess what... I was right!!!! It was the husband. I just thought that the other interior designer was too obvious. (Although, they really didn't give us many other options to figure out who else it could be). The background on why Ted did it I didn't really like. Basically, because he was upset that his girlfriend/wife didn't want him anymore. Man oh man, would I not want to get on that guys bad side.

I am so happy that everything worked out, however I wish he wouldn't have commited suicide. I would have liked to see him try and validate what he did... and have everyone see him for what he was worth. And then get what he deserves. I feel bad for Glory in all of this, however she did kidnap a child and she did get what she deserved... but she seemed like an overall sweet lady, just had some mixed up priorities... she wanted to make it sssssooooo bad in the "hollywood" world that she was willing to kidnap a child and keep him for two years... She had a kind heart, but just wasn't a very stable person. I do feel bad that she was unable to see her dad after all her dad had gone through to find her. (I didn't feel bad for her, I felt bad for her dad).

What did you guys think?

Mom.... where are you?!?!?!?!?

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Week 3

Yup... and I am even posting on time!!!! Haha, luckily I had finished this third section of the book on Wednesday... before I went into labor!

Lots of action going on.

Someone is going to figure out something soon enough... too many little mistakes have been made along the way. I can not believe that whoever is behind all of this actually tried (and maybe even did) killing the friar.... I do not want to know what's in store in the after life for that guy. I think that the friar did not actually die and will be able to help lock down the true kidnapper.

I think the babysitter is going to go back to the police and do what's right... Tell the story of what ACTUALLY happened... not skewing her story to make her look good.

I think that Alvirah is going to get the whole scoop and figure this out...

But maybe Glory will do what is right first. I am thinking that Glory is smart enough to figure out that the kidnapper will not let Glory go scotch free... especially after she hears that he went ahead and killed (or attempted to kill) the friar. Glory will be held accountable for what she did, but maybe just maybe her conscience will get the best of her and she will still do what is right.

I am still not sure who did it.... but we'll find out this week....

What do you think guys?

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Week 2

Wow!!! I am loving this book. This second section has picked up. Everybody is SSSOOOO close to figuring something out. Penny and company are really close to figuring out that Glory looks very similar to Zan. I wish that Alvirah hadn't brushed off Penny when she was telling her the story about the neighbor lady.

The more we get into this book the less I know who is trying to screw over Zan. Of course, the book is leading us to think it is the other interior designer, Bartley Longe, but I feel like that might be too obvious. Do you think maybe the husband might have something to do with it? It was weird when he didn't jump on the opportunity about Melissa offering the reward for any information on Matthew.

Fr. Aiden also needs to try and put two and two together. I think deep down he knows that the woman in the picture is not Zan, however, he needs to figure this out and quick, before he is the first person to get knocked off.

I am upset with three people right now, the husband; Ted, the babysitter; Tiffany, and now the client; Mrs. Aldrich. All of these people are all of a sudden changing their story. I am wondering what Mrs. Aldrich's edge is, and of course it is a little ironic that Bartley Longe got the job for Mrs. Aldrich after Matthew disappeared.

The people that I think will be great for Zan during this time is Charley Shore and Zan's assistant. Hopefully they will help her figure all of this out.

I am also looking forward to hearing out more about Glory and her father that is looking for her. Hopefully the police will see that the two are aligned somehow.

Happy Reading! Hopefully posting goes easier for you guys.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Week 1

Wow, this book started off fast! So many things are going on.... So many different characters and so many different perspectives.

First and foremost I feel HORRIBLE for Zan. The fact that Ruby and some other person has kidnapped her Matthew is bad enough. But now, for some reason, two years later they are not going on about their business, but they bring everything back to the fore front and if that weren't enough, they are framing Zan for the kidnapping. Now Zan doesn't know up from down. She is second guessing herself along with everything else.

My favorite character is Alvirah, and hopefully she sticks with Zan all the way through out. Right now Alvirah is convinced that the picture had to have been photoshopped, and wants to help Zan out.... whereas everybody else is about to jump ship and blame Zan for everything.

The babysitter is the one that is frustrating me the most right now (maybe that's just because that was one of the last chapters) but the fact that she could so quickly try and make her story out to be that Zan did do it is ridiculous. Nobody would be in this position if the babysitter wouldn't have fallen asleep in the first place.

What are you guys thinking?!?!

Monday, May 16, 2011

I'll Walk Alone

I'll Walk Alone it is....

Week 1 (this week) ~ Chapters 1 - 23
Week 2~ Chapters 24 - 46
Week 3~ Chapters 47 - 69
Week 4~ Chapters 70 - 90

Happy Reading..
Talk to you on Sunday!!! :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Week 4

I don't have time to put down something thought provoking right now... but Im leaving this.. cuz I know Aunt Joyce is ready :) Ill have time tomorrow...

We need to think of another book... as well...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Week 3

Well, the book has heated up a bit... And I will be the first to say, I was wrong. I thought Max would come to the right decision on his own, but it looks like it is going to be a long drawn out court session... where it looks like both sides are going to be pulled through the ringer.

This case is very interesting... How can you decide what embryo goes with whom... I don't know how invitro works, however, there are THREE embryos left, can't one go with whomever Max wants it to go to, and can't the other go with the Zoe and Vanessa? This is such a messy situation, but if you look at the case completely neutral, the embryo's should go to Zoe and Vanessa because it is Zoe's and Max's. Although Max wants to use the embryos, they are not directly going to Max. They would be going to Max's brother and sister in law. Why can't they get donors and do it that way?

I feel like the last quarter of the book is going to get really good. It is going to pull in religion and gay rights and probably make some readers feel uncomfortable depending on what side of the fence they are on. But this book is bringing up some very interesting and valid ideas about religion and same sex rights. Hopefully everything will work out for everyone involved. I truly feel that people can believe in whatever they want to believe, love whomever they want to love, live however they want to live.... just don't push it on me, because I am also going to live how I want to live.

Happy Reading :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Week 2

I will leave an opening for you guys to start again... I'll be ready tomorrow!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Week 1

I will let you guys start it off... I have about 30 pages left, but am absolutely exhausted... I will be caught up by tomorrow... but it is starting off really sad... :(

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sing You Home

So our next book will be Sing You Home, by Jodi Picoult. (Sorry about the non posting of the last book, we didn't have internet on out spring break trip... but I did just post under Week 3 my last posting of Love You More).

This book is going to be harder to gauge where to stop because it is not done by Chapter's.. it is done by characters.

Week 1: 121 pages in... We will stop right before the Zoe chapter. The first words in that chapter are "My very first best friendship was grounded in proximity."

Week 2: 245 pages in... We will stop right before the Max chapter. The first words in that chapter are "Sometimes God just plain pisses me off."

Week 3: 341 pages in ... We will stop right before the Max chapter. The first words in that chapter are "Nothing makes a church look better than a crisis situation."

Week 4: Finish the book!

Looking forward to another wonderful book... and looking forward to seeing both Aunt Joyce and mom next week :) Happy Reading!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Week 3

Well, we've learned a lot in this last week.. but still don't know what happened.

Tessa keeps throwing new things our way. The fact that she is trying to take the blame for her husband's death because she just wants to get her Sophie back. I am quite relieved that her husband didn't beat her... (or did he? I'm still not sure).

Tessa has calculated everything all along the way. D.D. is really upset that she keeps playing into Tessa's plan. Because D.D. still thinks that Tessa has killed her daughter. I still don't know what to believe. I am still not sure if Sophie is alive. The more Tessa talks about it, it seems that Sophie is still alive somewhere with whomever took her in the first place. But when the bomb went off, they found pieces of little girl items all around... teeth fragments, pink fabric... If Tessa wanted Sophie to be found, I don't think blowing up that sight was the most positive thing for her to do. I want to believe that Tessa has nothing to do with Sophie missing... but I am still guessing. It either still has something to do with Tessa, or maybe it is about the loan sharks just trying to get their money back.

The end of this section through me for a loop when D.D and Bobby kissed. What the heck? I didn't see that one coming at all. I think Bobby sees D.D. in a moment of weakness, and they both have history... and this case is really stressful... but oh geez, I did not see it coming. Did you guys?

Happy Reading.

PS. The next book I want to read is the new Jodi Picoult book... not sure what it is called...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Week 2

Well Lauren is a cheater.... she already finished the book!

But I just didn't read anything from Tuesday on, cuz I finished the second section on Tuesday. This is such a good read. We are getting on a path to figuring out little by little what is going on.

I can not figure out Tessa. The more and more I read, the less and less I trust her. It seems like every one that the police have talked to had nothing but good things to say about her husband... but seemed to think that Tessa herself didn't love him as much as she should.

It's interesting about her previous history as well with the other guy she killed. She could just have coincidences of bad luck, but I do think there is a connection there somewhere. I have faith in DD and the other police to figure out exactly what happened. They really seem to be on top of their game. Being able to tell that Tessa has already changed her story once.....

This book, I think will continue to have more and more twists and turns... and I don't think we will find out exactly what happened until the very end.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Week 1

Wow... what do we think is going on????

Well for starters I think that Sophie is alive and safe somewhere... maybe she is with someone we haven't even been introduced to yet.

I couldn't believe in the beginning that Brian seemed like an abuser. But as the first 100 pages went by, it looks like more and more that he might have been. I do understand that women try to put on a front that they are strong and can handle it. But I think it takes the strongest type of person to realize they need help... and actually go out and get it and I can't understand why Tessa didn't. That's why there are certain things that make me still question if Brian abused Tessa. Like the question was asked towards the end of this section, Tessa had plenty of time to get out... Brian was on for 60 days and off for 60 days... she had plenty of time to leave on those times that he was on, and get away from her abuser... so there must be something more... why didn't she leave? Was he abusing her? Or was there something else? If he was abusing her... why did she continue to stay?

The cops keep looking into the fact that there might be something with the father of Sophie... I highly doubt it, but if they keep questioning it, that might be a possibility. Maybe Sophie ran away on her own... or maybe something else... I don't know!!!

As for D.D. I do love her. She seems like a hard ass! Doesn't take any crap from anyone. I do know, that as this case goes on, she is going to be going through some internal issues, considering she is carrying a child herself. I wonder when she is going to tell Alex? I couldn't even imagine holding in something like a pregnancy. (But you guys know me... I can't really keep anything a secret!!!)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Love You More...

So... Yeah :) Lauren is in!!!!!

We have started Love You More by Lisa Gardner for our March book...

Here I have divied up the weeks...
Week 1 We will read through Chapter 9... Stop before Chapter 10.
Week 2: We will read through chapter 19... Stop before Chapter 20.
Week 3: We will read through chapter 31... Stop before Chapter 32.
Week 4: We will read through the end!!!

Happy reading! Talk to you on Sunday!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Week 4

I know we all jumped the gun with writing about what happened at the end of the book... but officially, week 4 is now done!!! I absolutely loved the book. It was a very easy read, and easy to follow. I really got wrapped up in all of the characters. I know a book is good, when I truly grow to dislike or love certain characters, and that definitely happened in this book.

Celia, I could not stand whatsoever... and I absolutely loved Aibileen and even more so, I loved Minny!!! The characters just pulled me in to this story, and made me truly understand what it was like being "help" in that day and age. It also showed me how it was for even just supporters of equal rights... You were almost looked down upon more if you believed in equal rights. It is truly amazing how far we have come... however, it still amazes me that certain people are still racist and biased in the way they think.

Even though most of the time I don't like endings that just hang... but this book, I felt good about it. I felt like everyone was in the right place, and things were going to work out for the best.

Let's move on to the next book... Love You More.... Looking forward to it!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Week 3

This book just keeps getting better and better. So I was kinda right when I was talking about Celia's "drinking problem." Turns out she didn't have a drinking problem at all, but that it did have to do with having babies. Now it all makes sense with her being so tired and lethargic all the time, seeing as I went through that stage of the pregnancy. I now see why she wants to please her husband, because she is struggling with having babies.

Let's see... what else.. the streaker/naked guy was a bit random. But I loved how Celia took charge. She and Miss Skeeter would be great friends because they see all as equals... black or white, they just do what is right. I feel bad for Miss Skeeter and how her relationship ended, but I do not think that is the end of that particular story... something might come out towards the end, with the book maybe... we shall see.

Hilly, oh Hilly... she is just outright mean and decietful. I am waiting for the other shoe to drop... I am waiting for something to happen that will show Hilly that she is ignorant, snobby, and just plain mean.

Minny is a such a strong woman, that she needs to stand up to her husband. She is too strong of a woman to be a victim of domestic violence. Hopefully she will do something about it soon. If she doesn't, I have a feeling that Celia may help her out. Those two, Celia and Minny (with Minny kicking and screaming and being difficult of course) are going to be the unsung heroes in the book... you would think it would be Skeeter and Aibileen, but I am really thinking Celia and Minny both have those outgoing personalities that can do some good.

I hope that Aibileen and Skeeter can keep going with the book, they are so close to being done. But with the Jim Crowe's book being found, and everyone on edge, and of course Miss Leefolt's husband talking to Aibileen, I think at some point they are going to be found out.... But I agree with mom, through all of this trouble, I really hope the book get's published.

Then there was all of the shenanigans with the Benefit. Celia just wanted to impress those snobbish ladies and it all backfired, however, I think it is good. Because going by one of the last line of this section, "For Two-Slice Hilly," Celia finally sees those ladies for what they are worth (with the help of Minny of course).

I can't wait to read this last section!!!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Week 2

OMG... It is getting really good.

I was so nervous for everybody, when the satchel with all of the notes was left with Miss Hilly. I thought for sure that everybody had been caught. Miss Skeeter has had a few close calls that you would have thought she would be more careful. Thank goodness, the only thing that was found was the book of laws. Her friends continue to annoy me though. They just are so ignorant. For them to be upset with Miss Skeeter for just having that book is upsetting, but I guess those are just the times that they are living in.

Miss Celia~ now that's another one. I thought she had an actual disease... and I know that alcoholism is a disease, but that one threw me for a loop. I can understand why Minny is pissed. She has had her bouts with people who have suffered with alcoholism and she has zero tolerance with it. I am glad she mouthed off at Miss Celia, and if Miss Celia allows Minny to come back and work for her, I think that Minny can help her. There has to be a reason Miss Celia is an alcoholic... I just don't know what it is just yet, maybe it does have something to do with babies. Maybe she can't have babies, so she goes up in the baby room and drinks her sorrows away. That might be the reason she is so concerned about her husband needing her, and her being able to take care of the home... maybe she thinks, that he thinks, she can't give me babies... and she can't take care of the home... but of course, he doesn't feel like that all... but I'm just brainstorming here... we will see where this all goes. I liked Miss Celia, and still do. I think she genuinely likes Minny. I put Celia in the same category as Skeeter in their feelings towards African Americans. They treat them just the same, and don't really see the color.

I am also excited to see where Miss Skeeter's relationship will take her. She seems to have a lot going for her right now.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Week 1

Very good so far. I love getting all of the view points. I love Aibileen, but I wish she would be more vocal. I understand her reasons for not being, but goodness gracious, Miss Leefolt is really annoying, and seemingly worthless. All she does is order Aibileen around and pays absolutely no attention to her daughter whatsoever. I am so glad that I did not grow up back in those times, because I do not know how I would handle it, or if I would have grown up with different view points. But it frustrates me the way Miss Leefolt treats Aibileen. I would hope that I would have been more like Miss Skeeter, just seeing things as they are. Not making them out to be any better or worse than what it is there. I guess that is Miss Skeeters unbiased journalistic mind.

I am very curious about Miss Celia's situation. Why is she so secretive with Mr. Johnny? I understand she wants to show her husband that she is a good homemaker, but I feel like there is more to it than that. I think that Miss Celia has some sort of illness that keeps her tired and exhausted all the time, and that is why she rests all the time and never leaves the house. All of the secretiveness turns to work out for Minny for the time being, but who knows what'll happen when Mr. Johnny finds out.

Hopefully Aibileen ends up agreeing to Miss Skeeters idea of the writing from the view point of all of the "help." I like how she got the idea from Aibileen's son, and feels that it is important to tell the story. Hopefully it will shed the light on the impact that all of these "helpers" have on the lives that they work with.

Looking forward to week 2...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

the Help!

Our next book is the Help by Kathryn Stockett.

Week 1: We will read all the way through Chapter 8 (Chapter 1 - Chapter 8)
Week 2: Read all the way through Chapter 17 (Chapter 9 - Chapter 17)
Week 3: Read all the way through Chapter 26 (Chapter 18 - Chapter 26)
Week 4: Read the rest!!!!!

Happy Reading!

My friend Dana said she read this book and she loved it! So I am excited. Ladies, it's a little bit longer than the last few we have read, so let's pace ourselves (I mainly talking to myself, since I don't get around to reading til Friday, Saturday, and Sunday!)

Look forward to posting about the first section next Sunday!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Week 5

Well, how do we think the ending went.... Poor Oskar.. He has been through a lot. You just wonder how often that actually happens, the bullying... we hear about it all the time, but I don't see it at all at the high school level... did/do you guys see a lot of bullying at the elementary level.

The brothers got carried away with Oskar in the pool, but I did like how Eli came back and rescued him. However Oskar has to learn how to protect himself on his own. What do we think actually happened at the very end? I am curious to hear your guys's thoughts.

Aunt Joyce, any of the books will work. You let me and mom know which one, and we will go with that!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Week 4

Oh Aunt Joyce... I tried so hard to type it up last night... but of course... I fell asleep... hahaha!

This fourth section was really intense and fast paced. Aunt Joyce, I agree with all you say. I knew that Virginia was probably going to end up trying to kill herself when Oskar was talking to Eli about how many of them there are... and s/he said that there weren't that many cuz most killed themselves.

I do agree with you Aunt Joyce on Eli showing "character," but I still have a hard time believing that anything that kills (whether they have to or not) is not a good person.... Eli showing some caring for Johnny for Oskar doesn't make up for all of the others that have passed for Eli's needing of blood. I think what Virgina did was the heroic thing to do.

I felt so bad for the kitties... they recognized the evil in the Virginia, and couldn;t help but attack... and unfortunately that is what killed some of the little guys.

I feel horrible for Oskar and all that he has had to endure, and again, I agree with you Aunt Joyce... the lady should have reported the boys to the cops. Although, a lot of these reports never end up in anything either... who knows whats going to happen there. Even if Eli has taught Oskar how to stick up for himself I don't know if that's going to help in the long run... those bullies just keep getting worse.

I hope that Johnny and Steffan will make up their differences, especially after the horrifying scene with Hakan.

What do you think mom?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Week 3

Well, Oskar has figured it out. At first he seemed scared by it, but then he became more curious then anything, coming back to talk to Eli to try and figure everything out.

Things finally make sense with Hakan... he was a bit of a child pedophile before he met Eli. I never understood his infatuation with Eli, especially because she looked like a 12 year old girl... But once we got the history on how Hakan and Eli met, it all makes sense to a point (I mean as much sense as a child pedophile can make).

It is a big bummer about Victoria. I know that Lacke was just trying to save Victoria, however, in the end, by stopping the attack, he turned Victoria into a vampire, or whatever they are calling them.

Things are finally beginning to piece together, I feel like there is going to be many more killings before the right people find out what is going on.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Week 2

Aunt Joyce I agree with all you say. I think the voice might have been a master or just the drugs that were in the woman's blood playing games with her.

Poor Hakan, he really wanted to be with Eli, and was so close.... he mangles his face and his body, but still didn't die... (and I use "poor" in the loosest terms, because I really don't feel that sorry for him, because he was killing for the one he loves). But I think in the end all he wanted to do was die, get away from it all once he was caught, because at the point he was caught, his life was over, no Eli, no "one night", no freedom. He should have stuck to his guns, when he told Eli that he was no longer killing for her, but then again, he became jealous... and jealousy makes people do crazy things.

Lacke and gang are going to be the ones that find out what happen I think. I think this because they have what is close to an eye witness of what happened to Jocke. They are looking and investigating. I think that the cops are going to think that the killings are done with the capturing of Hakan, but I feel like Lacke and his crew will keep on searching to figure out what is going on.

Oskar is starting to become more independent and strong, but who knows how long that is going to last. Eli is good to him right now, but for how long will she be? What will happen when she has to leave, or when people find out what she is, or when, heaven forbid she may attack Oskar?!?!

I feel for Tommy as well. He seems like a very strong character, he just needs to funnel his strong character for good as opposed to bad.

At some point in this story all of these characters are going to connect, and when they do, I wonder what will happen....

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Week 1-Let Me In

So we've made it through part 1 of Let Me In. Let's look at the characters:

Oskar: Oskar seems to be just a boy that wants to make it through the day. He doesn't seem to have many friends, but is very close to his mom. He has some internal issues though... going out and massacring logs and what not pretending they are his classmates, however, considering what he's gone through at school, at least that's the worst that Oskar has done. Oskar seems to be a very well behaved boys who just needs some companionship.

Hakan: Well, we have gotten far enough along in the book to realize who Hakan is, but we might not understand why. Hakan is in love with Eli for whatever reason. I'm not sure how long their relationship has gone on, or what the boundaries of their relationship is, but it sure seems that Hakan is more in love with Eli than she is with him. It does seem, though, that Hakan has a growing conscience of what is going on, there was that strange scene at the library where he almost gave in to the boy... and then when he told Eli enough was enough. He does not want to kill for Eli anymore... but the question is... can he stick to his word? He didn't kill for her again.. but he did clean up her mess... which to me, is condoning it.

Jocke and company: Well I'm assuming the rest of the company will come into play, but the death of Jocke was so unfortunate, he seemed to finally be pulling himself together, and then, as luck would have it, he tries to do a good deed, and bam.. his life ends. Good samaritans tend to get taken advantage of, and in this case, the good samaritan dies. What do you think is going to happen with the rest of the crew? Do you think they'll do something when Jocke comes up missing?

Eli: Well, she's obviously the vampire. It's interesting the way the vampire is portrayed in this book. She looks like a young girl. I do not understand why Eli comes out in the cold with not much on and doesn't really care for her appearance or her personal hygiene. It makes her stick out and look odd already. I would think she would try to hide herself or at least appear as everyone else does. I wonder what brought her to Oskar's town. I wonder if there are any more, or why, right now, she is the only one.

Okay... so what do you guys think? What's going on? What's going to happen? Where are the characters taking us?