Monday, November 29, 2010

Week 1

Well... let's start with the characters.

Rapp- Rapp intrigues me just as much as he intrigues all of the instructors. I love all of the"games" he is playing; being the first at some things, but making sure that he's not the first in others. Just trying to get a feel for how things work and what he is working with. He seems to be at the top of the class, but doesn't want the others to know.

Kennedy- I like her a lot. I think she knows what she is doing. I am glad that she is sticking up for Rapp, unlike the other one who got sent over seas and ended up getting kidnapped. Kennedy knew he shouldn't go over there, but her word didn't apparantly matter. I think Kennedy needs to stick to her guns. I like though that there is a woman in the mostly male dominated field.

Hurley- I can't really figure him out. I think he is just a stubborn man. He doesn't like it when people go over his head, even if it is for the better. It sounds like he may be losing his edge, whether it is in the "ring" with Rapp, or just his decision making... letting the match with Rapp happen in the first place, or the fact that he disobeyed his own rules.

Victor- What is his deal??? I can't figure him out either. He just runs his mouth and feels that the rules don't apply to him... and the fact is, they don't. Why didn't he get kicked out for prying the information from the other guy? Why was he allowed to punch the other guy in the face? I wonder if he maybe works undercover to try and get the other guys to crack. Or if he is just an arrogant asshole? I will tell you what... I LOVED the fact that Rapp just took him out on the mat. It was long overdue and well deserved.

I am very interested to see how long this "bootcamp" will take place in the book. It's hard to show character build when the characters are not allowed to talk about their past. I wonder, also, how many more guys will fail and leave.

What do you guys think? MOM... you too!!!!!!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

American Assassin

Week 1: Through page 105
Week 2: Through page 202
Week 3: Through page 307
Week 4: Through the end.....

Talk to you tomorrow about the first portion!

Week 4rs

Well we didn't really wrap up the book, but since we kind of talked about it while I was back in Michigan I felt as though we kind of did wrap it up!!!!

I absolutely loved the series. I loved seeing all of the characters grow up and mature... My two favorites were Blomkvist, and how he is grown up with his relationships, and Salander grew up the most... When she actually thought of the consequences in the final scene in the book with Niederman, and she didn't kill him, she figured it wasn't worth it. I wasn't sure she was gonna make that decision, and if she ended up being the one that killed him, I would have been really upset.... because then it would have seemed the whole third book would have been for nothing...

I wonder if there would have been more books if the author would have stayed alive... Because I think with Salander's business etc, I think there could have been more.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Week 3

It is heating up. It gets harder and harder for me to put the book down. I can not believe how Blomkvist has duped the "Section," for so long. It took them three days before the trial to figure out that Blomkvist and company may be giving them misleading information! Again, as I said in the last post... I love how Blomkvist is always two steps ahead of EVERYONE else.

There are so many characters right now, that sometimes it is hard for me to keep them straight, really it's just those new characters that keep popping up for the "Section," that I struggle with. Once I think I have got them figured out, they add another one in there, and another one. But one name that has not come up at all is Neiderman. I wonder if they are going to catch him, or if he just "gets" away. (I remember Aunt Joyce saying something like there were supposed to be more books, but Larsson passed away, I wonder if the next one would have been about Neiderman).

I am glad Salander finally is telling her story straight and to the point, I hope she gives everybody access to the video of her rape, so as to solidify what she is talking about. I am also glad that Salander let by gones be by gones and gave Berger help in her stalker. I still hope there is more to it, than just a high school kid who held a grudge. I want it to somehow tie into the whole story.

I do like, though, how all the parts just work together... Salander, Dr. Jonasson, Blomkvist and Millenium, Berger, and Armansky and Milton Security, and let's not forget Salander's cyber friends. It doesn't matter what they are doing they are all working together... Whether it is with Salander's situation, or Berger's stalker, or whatever.... they are a force to be reckoned with.

I can not wait to find out the conclusion, I want the Section to get exposed for EVERYTHING!!!! And, I really want, of all of the people, Dr. Teloborian to get CRUSHED... out of all the people working for the "Section" he is the one I hate the most. Anyways, happy reading... almost there.

What's our next book, now that we are done with the series?

Monday, November 8, 2010

Week 2

Aunt Joyce and mom, I am going to let you lead in this weeks discussion... I got carried away with scrapbooking this weekend, and didn't leave myself enough time to finish reading.... I fell asleep while reading, haha, I was extremely exhausted. I guess scrapbooking really takes it out of you!!!!
Anyway, hopefully I will be done by Tuesday and all caught up. So here you go!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Week 1

WOW!!! It started exactly where we left off. I am glad to find out that Salander is OK. I am just wondering if all of her skills were left in tact... hacking, mathematical, etc. I was concerned during the whole first section that Zalachenko would come on over to Salander's room and kill her.... but wow, on the contrary (and I totally did not see this coming, so early in the book), Zalachenko got killed!!!! Apparantly the Section's secret is more important to keep than Zalachenko. I had no idea that would even be on the table. Because of the rashness of the murder of Zalachenko, it really makes me fear for all of those involved in Bjork's documents.

Bomkvist, as always, is doing what he does best; investigating. I am over Berger and Blomkvist's relationship, so I am glad Berger is moving on... but I doubt that will be the end of her.

So, what's to come with this book? At what lengths is the Section willing to go to keep everything under wraps. How many more deaths are to come? And are we really going to see Blomkvist and company take on the government of Sweden to figure out what this is all really about?