Sunday, June 26, 2011

Charlie St. Cloud

Okay... after taking a two week hiatus, let us start again. I figure this book we can pull out in three weeks, it is much shorter than the others that we have read.

Week 1: Read all the way through Chapter 10
Week 2: Chapter 11 - Chapter 23
Week 3: Finish the book

Monday, June 13, 2011

Week 4

Well, guess what... I was right!!!! It was the husband. I just thought that the other interior designer was too obvious. (Although, they really didn't give us many other options to figure out who else it could be). The background on why Ted did it I didn't really like. Basically, because he was upset that his girlfriend/wife didn't want him anymore. Man oh man, would I not want to get on that guys bad side.

I am so happy that everything worked out, however I wish he wouldn't have commited suicide. I would have liked to see him try and validate what he did... and have everyone see him for what he was worth. And then get what he deserves. I feel bad for Glory in all of this, however she did kidnap a child and she did get what she deserved... but she seemed like an overall sweet lady, just had some mixed up priorities... she wanted to make it sssssooooo bad in the "hollywood" world that she was willing to kidnap a child and keep him for two years... She had a kind heart, but just wasn't a very stable person. I do feel bad that she was unable to see her dad after all her dad had gone through to find her. (I didn't feel bad for her, I felt bad for her dad).

What did you guys think?

Mom.... where are you?!?!?!?!?

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Week 3

Yup... and I am even posting on time!!!! Haha, luckily I had finished this third section of the book on Wednesday... before I went into labor!

Lots of action going on.

Someone is going to figure out something soon enough... too many little mistakes have been made along the way. I can not believe that whoever is behind all of this actually tried (and maybe even did) killing the friar.... I do not want to know what's in store in the after life for that guy. I think that the friar did not actually die and will be able to help lock down the true kidnapper.

I think the babysitter is going to go back to the police and do what's right... Tell the story of what ACTUALLY happened... not skewing her story to make her look good.

I think that Alvirah is going to get the whole scoop and figure this out...

But maybe Glory will do what is right first. I am thinking that Glory is smart enough to figure out that the kidnapper will not let Glory go scotch free... especially after she hears that he went ahead and killed (or attempted to kill) the friar. Glory will be held accountable for what she did, but maybe just maybe her conscience will get the best of her and she will still do what is right.

I am still not sure who did it.... but we'll find out this week....

What do you think guys?