Sunday, September 26, 2010
October Book
Week 1: Read through page 158
Week 2: Read through page 305
Week 3: Read through page 448
Week 4: Finish!!!!!
Week 4
I thought it was excellent. The week before, with the way it all unfolded. And then this week with finding out exactly where Harriet was. In the back of my mind the whole time I was wondering if she was alive and had just run away or got kidnapped. The fact that a body was never found, helped me keep the thought in the back of my head.
I am glad that Harriet came back. However I do wish the whole story would have been exposed. Here is this family who just keeps hiding secrets, horrible horrible secrets, and nothing is done about it. I can see why Blomvkist decided not to expose for the sake of Harriet and not wanting her to relive it, but just like Salader said... in the beginning, by Harriet not saying or doing anything about it... look at how many more women were raped and killed. Stories like this need to be told so that we can learn from what happened and be aware.
It didn't really surprise me that Vanger didn't have any crazy jawdropping evidence against Wennerstrom. So it was good that Salader was willing to help Blomvkist attain some evidence against him so that he could finally expose Wennerstom and his company.
I am VERY upset with how things ended up turning out between Salander and Blomvkist. Salander is very emotionally fragile. And we she saw Blomvkist with Berger, she just had it. She had finally trusted someone, and Blomkvist broke her trust with her relationship with Berger. Which I couldn't stand that relationship from the very beginning.... Seriously, Berger is married... and she still sleeps with Blomvkist.... very interesting.
What do you guys think about the end of this one?
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Week 3
I loved Salader in this section of the book. She is so smart. She came up with the clues to the code that Harriet had left and figured it out in no time. I am really happy that her and Blomvqist have a good relationship. Salader needs a good strong male as a friend, someone that she can trust. I loved how she really takes control of the situations that she is in, i think she has definately learned from previous experiences on how to handle certain situations.
Through all of this investigating and the drama, and the "almost figuring out what happened to Harriet," I have completely stopped thinking about Wonnerstrom (which I am almost positive that I missed spelled) because they didn't mention it at all.... But I do feel like there is a link between their one worker at Millenium and the Wennerstrom... I do think that after all this stuff comes together with Harriet and the Vangers, there is going to be something that happens to finalize what happened there and to make everything right again. And I know that we are very near the end of the story... but I feel like the story is also going to take us back to Salader and his nasty court ordered gaurdian. I truly hope there is nothing more to that story... but there were many hints there back when that happened, and the thoughts that the gaurdian was thinking...
What are you guys thinking about all of this????
And.. it is that time.... We should finish this book this week... What is our next book... I do have the Girl Who Plays with Fire... but maybe we wanna take a break from this and try something else... or we could stick with it... cuz it got REALLY GOOD!!!! Either way I am good. Just let me know!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Week 2
Lisbeth Salander had a very exciting few days in there. I just kept wanting her to go to the police after her new guardian made her go down on him... and then that second time made me quesy. I am really glad that she got it on a video and seemed to hang it over his head, but I don't think she just should have left it like that. I feel like he is going to come back and wreak havoc.
Now onto what the main part of the story has been about.... Harriet. Blomvkist is getting closer, but the closer he gets, the more frustrated I get. I just wanna know. Who is she looking at in the picture? Do we think it could be Cecelia? Why would Cecelia want to hurt her? What had frightened Harriet on that fateful day?
Of course I think all of the characters revolve around Vanger or Wennerstrom... They seem to be key players in everything. The hardest people to pinpoint there actual involvement in the story is Salander and her boss. What are their roles in this whole story?What are you guys looking forward to finding out in the next couple of pages..... What are your thoughts on what I have said.... and what more are you thinking that I have typed?!?!?!Looking forward to more of the pages... Hoping we find out more about Harriet, and hoping nothing bad happens to Lisbeth.
Good night!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Week 1
As A. Joyce said, the book started off just building up the characters (it took me awhile to get through that first part, and try and understand what was going on...) but the last 50 or so pages things started to pull together.
First off... can anybody help me with what Blomqvist got charged with???? And what a libel conviction is??? I am very interested how Vanger can help Blomqvist with this situation. It seems that Vanger is tied to EVERYONE!!!! The guy who was questioning the Milton company about Blomqvist was Frome... who works for Vanger. I am very curious why after the three days they dropped the investigation...
Also... I am gonna say the obvious.... Did Harriet die, or did she run away... maybe the flowers are being sent from her, just let Vanger know that she is alive (of course this is probably not the case, because that would be too easy).
I am also curious why Vanger chose Blomvqist. Why do you guys think he did? It obviously has to do with ties of Wennerstrom, it just has to be pieced together for us. I definately think that all of the characters are tied together and somebody that we have been introduced to in these first few pages are acting as a double agent of sorts.
My favorite character thus far is Salander, she intrigues me a bunch. And I am interested on seeing where her character takes this story as well. Who are your guys's favorite characters?
So what do you guys have to say about the first few pages... Let me know!!! And I'll write in a few days about the next pages. The book has definately stepped it up!!!!